Our Montessori teaching curriculum has been developed by our experienced Montessori House staff
and parenting group especially for parents to use at home.

The material for infants and toddlers brings you teaching exercises that you can easily do at home
to nurture your child's physical and mental development during this crucial period of life.  The
curriculum introduces reading, language, math, sensorial, refined hand movements, gross motor
skills, brain and body development, and other key developmental areas.

Whether you are a Montessori teacher looking for fresh ideas or a parent interested in using
Montessori at home, this is a great source of information and sharing with experienced teachers
and parents.

Our infant and toddler curriculum covers such topics as:

  • How you can help your child develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination which are key
    to everything from life skills to writing and math.
  • Simple exercises to enhance your child's language development, helping him or her along the
    path to speaking, reading, and writing.
  • Sensorial development exercises for children to develop different types of intelligences.  Key
    to all areas of physical and mental development.
  • Language skills combined with tactile exercises to engage multiple intelligences during your
    child's Sensitive Period for Language
  • How to use Montessori equipment designed especially for toddlers such as the Imbucare
    Boxes, Object Permanence Boxes,and Supinated exercises.
  • How you can modify your home environment quickly and easily to improve your child's
    learning and experiences on an every day basis.
  • We show you how to use Montessori equipment designed for children under the age of three.
  • DIY instructions for lots of expensive Montessori equipment.

Price $39
Montessori Teaching Album for Toddlers
Ages 18 Months to 2 1/2 Years
Set of Three Albums for $99
Infant, Toddler, and PreK
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Bringing the joy of learning to children for over 100 years
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Download the table of contents
and a sample lesson
Montessori Teaching Album for Toddlers
Questions?  Email us.